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Children's Ministry at The Impact Church

Here at The Impact Church, we are deeply committed to the growth and development of our children. They are our future and they are our legacy! Our Children's ministry is ready to serve your children! Bring all your children between the ages of 2-12 yrs of age, to be ministered to in a safe, sanitized, spirit-filled learning environment, where they can learn and grow in the things of God! Just see an usher or a children's ministry worker on Sunday mornings when you arrive and they can escort you and your child to the KidsZone wing of the Church! Let's lift the name of Jesus and prepare our children to make an IMPACT on the world!




The Impact Church offers ministry to the “total person” - mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, and above all, spiritually.  Opportunities exist that allow you to connect with Impact Church of Nashville:


  • Volunteer opportunities

  • Small group studies

  • Men's Ministry

  • Women's Ministry

  • Children's Church


These opportunities among others offer the ability to grow and develop individually and collectively.

Thanks for submitting!

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P: 615-226-9927


Physical Address:

705 Rivergate Parkway

Goodlettsville, Tennessee 37072


Weekly Services:

Sunday's Online & In-person @ 10:00 AM


Mens's Meetup -2nd Saturday's


Women's Ministry - 4th Thursday's Via Zoom Chat

©2023 By The Impact Church of Nashville, All Rights Reserved.

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